Comments on: Embrace technology to solve unclaimed dividend issues in Nigerian capital market, SEC urges registrars Destination for Business news and analysis from Africa's largest economy Mon, 27 May 2024 13:54:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Mon, 27 May 2024 13:54:53 +0000 This is a welcome one from the new Director General of SEC. However, SEC need to carry many stakeholders along on this new intervention. SEC need to listen to shareholders and document all complaints and act no mater how insignificant they may be. Most of the Registrar’s are cause of this enormous pile up of unclaimed dividends, they deliberately open several shareholders accounts for shareholders knowing full well that the shares are under the same CHN and belong to one person. They will pay some they will omitt others. They make the process of claiming unclaimed dividends, change of address etc cumbersome, this should not be. if SEC can open a portal for complaint and suggestions they will definitely get more clues to solve this unclaimed dividends problems. I wish the new DG well.
